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Dr. habil. Bottyán Zsolt
Zsolt Bottyán, PhD, habil. Senior Research and Development Manager, Aviation Meteorologist

He completed his university studies at the József Attila University of Szeged (degree in mathematics, geography and computer science) and at the Eötvös Loránd University (degree in meteorology). He completed his PhD in 2008 (University of Szeged) in the field of Earth Sciences and has been habilitated PhD since 2018 (National University of Public Service). His main research focus is on meteorological issues related to the use of unmanned aircraft and their safety in aviation. Among these, he is involved in modelling the formation of surface icing of UAVs and the development of short-range meteorological support for drone systems and their potential applications. He has more than three decades of experience in higher education (University of Szeged, University of Debrecen, National University of Public Service) and nearly 4 years of operational forecasting experience (at LHSN airport). He has over 100 scientific publications with more than 400 citations to d

Gyöngyösi András Zénó
András Zénó Gyöngyösi research and development researcher, aeronautical meteorologist and aviation expert

He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University in 2000. He has been participating in project research in the following areas: micro-meteorological measurements over land and water surfaces, surface-atmosphere interactions and planetary boundary layer studies, atmospheric renewable energy prediction, aviation meteorology, urban heat island and flash flood modelling, atmospheric aerosol and pollution transport studies, Saharan convective boundary layer studies. He has teaching experience in the fields of dynamic meteorology, aviation meteorology (up to ATPL level, in Hungarian and English), and practical training in numerical modelling. His research and teaching activities were carried out at ELTE, NKE, BME and SzTE. Currently, he is an aviation meteorology and aeronautical expert at MouldTech Systems Ltd. and part-time research associate at the ELTE Institute of Chemistry BpART aerosol research laboratory. He is a two-time National Champion, currently an active glider racing competitor, a Diamond Cadet glider instructor, and President of the Hungarian Gliding Association.

Péter Kardos
Péter Kardos research and development engineer, aviation meteorologist

He completed his university studies at the Faculty of Transport Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest ( Master of Transport Engineering) and at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences ( Master of Meteorology).He worked for 21 years in the field of operational aviation meteorological services, 15 years of which he was the head of the aviation meteorological service of Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (LHBP). His main research interests include: numerical forecasting, data assimilation, machine learning, ultra-short-range forecasts, meteorological use of unmanned aerial vehicles, forecast verification, meteorological service development

Ákos Steierlein
Ákos Steierlein research and development engineer, aviation meteorologist

He graduated with honours from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University in 2014. Since then he has been serving in different meteorological positions at operational and strategic level in the Hungarian Diffence Forces. Since 2021 he has participated in the meteorological training of the pilot and air traffic controller officer cadets studying at National University of Public Scineces. His main research interest is the aviation meteorology.

Szabó Tamás
Tamás Szabó research and development engineer, software designer/software developer

He started his university studies in 2012 at the University of Óbuda, and from 2018 he is back at the Faculty of Computer Engineering at the University of Pécs.From 2013 he worked as a web developer for 3 years, 1 year at eRise Kft., then he continued as an application developer at T-Systems for 4 years, after that he worked as a solution architect at INNObyte Kft. for 3 years. He specialises in designing, developing and securing IT systems.

Zováthi Örkény
Örkény Zováthi, PhD research and development associate, data scientist

He received his BSc and MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics on a german language education track with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, specialized in intelligent robots and vehicles. He obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science within the Cooperative Doctoral Program from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, while he has been working for 6 years in the Machine Perception Research Laboratory in SZTAKI. Currently, he is working as researcher at PPCU and as research and development associate at MouldTech Systems. His main areas of expertise include the perception of autonomous robots and vehicles, machine vision, artificial intelligence.

Dávid Ferenc Vránics
Dávid Ferenc Vránics, PhD research and development engineer, software designer/software developer

He received his BSc degree in Computer Science from Eötvös Loránd University, and his MSc degree in Defence C3 Systems Management from the National University of Public Service. He obtained his phd degree at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering of the National University of Public Service. Since 2011, he has been working as a software developer at Ericsson Hungary Ltd. and is currently a research and development associate at MouldTech Systems. He specialises in information security for cloud computing systems, unmanned aircraft systems and related on-board sensor systems.

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